Show HN: A (marginally) useful x86-64 ELF executable in 466 bytes

85 points
a month ago
by meribold



This project is a rewrite of a Bash script that I started to teach myself a little bit of x86 assembly. I still don't know much, but I did learn that ELF executables can be surprisingly small and simple for a very basic program. A 64-byte file header and a single 56-byte program header are the only "overhead" that is really mandatory (and it's even possible to make those overlap a little).

But it's difficult to stop the linker from adding extra stuff, which is why I eventually specified the headers (and three addresses) by hand in the assembly file and stopped using a linker.

a month ago


Good luck on your x86-golfing journey! If it helps, I have a nice template for overlapping the two headers into 80 bytes, and stuffing up to ~24 bytes of instructions into them. It's included near the top of my article on the smallest x86-64 ELF Hello World [0]. (In the same article, I have a 73-byte template that's a bit shorter but trickier to use.)

You may find some of the other tricks in the article helpful, but it might be hard to follow depending on your level of experience with assembly. My general advice would be that 'push' and 'pop' are your two best friends if you want to move around 64-bit values.


a month ago


I'll have a look. Thanks! I'll avoid using potentially transient details of Linux's ELF loader, though, since I use `btry` daily and don't want to tempt fate to have it suddenly break following a kernel update too much. (Perhaps that's a bit silly given the hardcoded `/sys` path and syscall numbers.)

a month ago


You're in the clear with the syscall numbers, at least. Linux treats them as part of the stable public API for each platform. If they want to update a syscall, they have to make a new version with its own number, and keep the old version around for as long as x86-64 is supported.

a month ago


The installation instructions made me smile. "turn this Base64 string into an executable" is the new "curl | sh"!

Why did you decide to build the string backward?

a month ago


I don't remember if it's why I initially did it, but it allows hardcoding the final characters of the output string ("%)\n") somewhere into the ELF header where they don't do damage ahead of execution.

a month ago


You can shrink it further by doing xorl reg, reg. On x86, the upper 32 bits are cleared for you when using 32 bit opcodes. No need to do a 64-bit reg, reg xor.

Instead of doing cmp $0, %eax, you can use test eax, eax - that's another low hanging fruit.

It seems that you could also preset a dedicated reg to 0 and another to 1, further shaving a few bytes.

a month ago


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely look into those. I'd been hoping posting on HN would result in being able to shave off yet a few more bytes.

a month ago


Also learn the string instructions --- I can see plenty of places where a lodsb would help greatly.

a month ago


This is kind of a tangent, but there are two types of programming that seem like fun little games. On the one hand low-level assembly and on the other hand high-level code that uses logic or type system trickery to prove various correctness or at least some nice properties of the program.

I just hope that someone at some point figures out how to combine these two things, so we can pursue the best possible way of writing a program, and then prove it correct too. This would be a sort-of immortal program that would never need updating. Well, until it becomes obsolete because the world has changed around it.

a month ago


I am slowly working on a “programmable assembler” for basically this purpose — the hope is to start with making it easier to construct simple binaries while also leaving headroom to build abstractions for proofs as scripts.

a month ago


Love the installation instructions. No downloads, the instruction is the binary.

a month ago


It is rather an xz-compressed binary. :-) The following would be an uncompressed version, and I personally don't see any reason to use xz [1]. (Caution: Do not trust me on the validity of this instruction!)

  base64 -d <<EOF > btry && chmod a+x btry
[1] Well, maybe that makes a sort-of free checksum though.
a month ago


So this just reads /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now (or charge_now) and /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_full and outputs it nicely. While the asm is cool, how large would the bash script to do it?

a month ago


This project started as a rewrite of a Bash script (for learning purposes), so I can easily answer this question. It's indeed small. Here's the full Bash script I used to use (including comments):

    #!/usr/bin/env bash

    # Print the remaining amount of energy (or charge)
    # stored in the battery identified by `BAT0`.  This
    # is what works on my ThinkPad X220 and may not be
    # portable to other laptops without changes.

    cd /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 || exit $?

    # Sometimes there are `energy_now` and `energy_full`
    # pseudofiles, and sometimes there are `charge_now`
    # and `charge_full` pseudofiles instead.
    if [[ -e energy_now ]]; then
    elif [[ -e charge_now ]]; then
    percent=$((100 * now / full))
    # Convert from microwatt-hours (or microampere-hours)
    # to watt-hours (or ampere-hours).
    now=$(bc <<< "scale=1; $now / 1000000")
    full=$(bc <<< "scale=1; $full / 1000000")
    echo "$now $unit / $full $unit (${percent}%)"
a month ago


One is really hard-pressed to argue these little loadable executables are ELF files. They do not conform to the ELF standard. They're simply tiny loadable Linux executables because they exploit the Linux kernel loader's slackness in interpreting ELF binaries.

a month ago


Funny how the tech world comes full circle. I remember writing a similar program (for CPUID) as a COM file in mid-90s and it definitely had less than 466 bytes, maybe 1/10th of it.

a month ago



a month ago



a month ago



(X) Doubt.

It's no stretch to say many a HN user can, easily, port such a trivial program to other assembly languages.

a month ago


it's not (and I don't think it's supposed to)

a month ago


Yeah, that seems like just a factual statement to me.

If you start from the premise that everything is a flex, then you can easily confirmation bias your way into reading it that way, but IMHO that's not a helpful way to live life unless you want to feel like everybody is constantly flexing regardless of whether they are or not.

a month ago