Taking steps that drive resiliency and security for Windows customers

17 points
4 months ago
by artkulak



Maybe provide a button in Windows to flip the OS … make WSL the base OS and cram Windows into a (sandboxed) subsystem; a Linux Subsystem for Windows (LSW).

Kidding aside, robcohen makes a great point about the infinite backwards compatibility … if MSFT were to sunset more product versions more quickly it could accelerate upgrade cycles. But then again “new code considered harmful” applies.

What could help is a much more modular OS that installs a very slim base set of functionality and lets users choose additional capabilities to install or not. This would (perhaps) cut vuln and misconfig surface area if it were implemented in a real way.

4 months ago


We’re going to safely and securely suck up all your data and habits with co pilot - trust us!

4 months ago


what do y'all think of this given the recent activities

4 months ago


Microsoft being Microsoft. Of course they have to say they're going to do more. The reality is when you offer essentially infinite backwards compatibility, you attract companies that have zero desire to invest in their digital infrastructure and software.

Put another way, Microsoft seems happy to sell people the rope they use to inadvertently hang themselves with. Software is infrastructure, and safe and correctly maintained infrastructure is expensive. Corporations are externalizing machines, so we all bear the cost of poorly made software. Cybersecurity as an industry would be 90% smaller if software development wasn't "move fast and break things" and more "let's get this 100% right, formally verify what we can, test it for months and then release it."

Anyone who thinks Microsoft is anything but entirely complicit in making the world a significantly less secure place is either woefully ignorant or a fool.

4 months ago


> essentially infinite backwards compatibility

Maybe you should do some research. /s

4 months ago


"Your privacy is very important for us" when they suck all your data with Edge.

4 months ago


> Taking steps that drive resiliency and security for Windows customers

Like, cough, fixing bugs, cough. /s

4 months ago