OpenOffice security issues unfixed in over 365 days, security status Amber
8 points
17 hours ago
by mksaunders2
13 hours ago
According to Apache they still get tens of thousands of downloads of OpenOffice every day (mostly Windows). It's a really bad image for free and open source software when users (who don't know about successor projects) discover that it's ancient, with no major update since 2014, and has unfixed security issues.
13 hours ago
OpenOffice? Never heard of him, but tell him I don't care if he stays on the sidewalk we're calling the police anyway.
11 hours ago
17 hours ago
Does anyone even use OpenOffice anymore? Several years ago I was looking into "OpenOffice vs LibreOffice" and reached the conclusion that OpenOffice was dead/dying, and that pretty much all new features, bugfixes, etc were happening on the libreOffice fork.