38C3: Opening Ceremony [video]

10 points
a day ago
by doener



Did the organizers take down the video? It says "Page not found" right now.

a day ago


Yes, it seems so.

21 hours ago


"Fascism is coming", yeah but not in the way they'd think. I shared a couple of CCC videos from 2013 with my younger Gen Z and Gen A siblings. I was looking forward to sharing some content from the CCC with them this year.

Here's the very difficult part, they all browse 4chan /g/ and sometimes 4chan /pol/ -- mind you we are all half asian (and the other half is not white).

I want them to focus on the technical talk offered by CCC, but the optics of someone who sounds like a man (and looks like a man) in a sparkly dress, they are going to get so caught up in that (like go ape-shit over it) any signal of technology or techno-geopolitical conversation will not make it through.

a day ago


"I can't share a tech talk with my siblings because there's trans people in it" -- you definitely sound like part of the problem, esp. when so much of infosec research is done by trans people

17 hours ago


I can share the tech talk with them, I'm just not going to bother because I already know what's going to happen. I know we're living in "modern times" or whatever but a man in a dress is not going to be taken seriously by most people.

There are probably more people intimidated from speaking out against it, or too confused to realize they will be brow beaten for doing so, than sincere believers within the tech conference itself.

Again, I CAN show this tech talk to my teenage younger brother and his friends, but I'm not going to bother because I already know one of them is going to turn it into "hacking conferences are for homos LoL"

It's extremely frustrating.

7 hours ago


It's disappointing that the younger generations have developed such intolerant views on this issue.

There's nothing wrong with a man wearing a dress, just like there's nothing wrong with women wearing trousers and shirts. The real problem is if the man in a dress, and his associates, try to strongarm everyone into pretending he's a woman, and in doing so negatively impact on free speech and women's rights.

Somehow this message has been lost and we're back to reinforcing gender stereotypes again. It's very unfortunate.

9 hours ago


> The real problem is if the man in a dress, and his associates, try to strongarm everyone into pretending he's a woman

Exactly, which is why he's not seen as simply "a man in a dress", but "a man in a dress who will call on a mob to force me to adopt their norms as if they are my own, contrary to my visceral instincts".

People don't like having to be FORCED to conform to someone else's ideology, we used to call this "fascism".

4 hours ago


Which part of this anecdote is now fascism?

a day ago


Did you even watch the video?

a day ago


Yes. I don‘t mean in the video. I mean in your posting.

a day ago


19 hours ago

a day ago