
304 points
4 days ago
by galaxyLogic



It looks great, but I'm missing what's innovative about this? AAA procedural folliage has been done for 20 years, terrain too. Blender has had procedural geo nodes for a long time too. What is so interesting here?

20 minutes ago


Also discussed 30 days ago, 33 comments:

18 hours ago


Watching the video I thought "No Man's Sky as a python lib."

19 hours ago


Also terragen but for everything

12 hours ago


I miss terragen! What a fun way to waste an afternoon on a rainy day as a kid.

I just looked it up and WOW it has come a long way (and wasn't it free before? Maybe I misremember).

7 hours ago


I think it always has had a trial version. Back in the early 2000's my friend and I would mess around with the settings, hit render and then go upstairs to play with lego's or something for a couple of hours, and when it was done it would just be fancy terrain but without details like grass, trees or even rivers I think.

5 hours ago


I like the "zero AI" part.

a day ago


This project generates synthetic computer vision training data. The arxiv paper has more detail including some cool pictures of random creatures it can generate. The images are nice but all of them are nature settings so I assume one would have to supplement this type of data with another data set for training a computer vision model.

a day ago


The same authors also created Infinigen Indoors[1] to generate indoor scenes for computer vision applications such as robotics & AR.


21 hours ago


If only demoscenes were still as prominent today as they used to be. They'd be having a field day with this

10 hours ago


Maybe this IS the demoscene of today? I saw more insanely beautiful computer generated pictures in the last couple years than I saw in previous 10, AI or no AI.

2 hours ago


This feels like we've got all the pieces of the puzzle to create a reality experience - I'm pretty sure with visuals like this and haptic feedback that your brain will fill in any gaps once you adapt to this given enough time.

You could use this with a VR headset, monitoring heart-beat, temperature and adapt the environment based off the experiencer's desires.

It feels like we're on the precipice of recreating an experience of reality, which may reveal more about our existing reality than we ever expected.

6 hours ago


Don’t seem to be photorealistic images according to today’s standards

8 hours ago


An LLM frontend for this would be amazing.

You could describe the scene you want in normal english and iterate eith conversation.

It could automatically create scenes from novels and poems.

12 hours ago


true, but that's very easy to do as long as the LLM can create the code, which shouldn't be difficult... idk blender's code lang used (i know godot is very python-like), but most code is nowadays some form of cpp (or it is cpp), so with a few-shot it might be even possible to get a cpp trained llm gen the correct code

11 hours ago


The whole point of this is to generate diverse training data with accurate labels for model training. If you actually want to create nice scenes, use normal blender and some plugins and free online assets.

9 hours ago


This seems extremely cool. I’m wondering if it can be used to create procedural video game assets.

21 hours ago


From the homepage it sounds like they've prioritised geometry fidelity for CV research rather than performance:

> Infinigen is optimized for computer vision research, particularly 3D vision. Infinigen does not use bump/normal-maps, full-transparency, or other techniques which fake geometric detail. All fine details of geometry from Infinigen are real, ensuring accurate 3D ground truth.

So I suspect the assets wouldn't be particularly optimised for video games. Perhaps a good starting point though!

20 hours ago


Well, we've come a long way. Look at nanite - it might actually be compatible...

16 hours ago


Epic did say that you might in some situations forego normalmaps with Nanite and save disk space even though you have super detailed models so it DOES fit in this context.

Also, video games are used to take a high poly model and bake a normalmap corresponding to it on a lower poly model anyway so it might also be used that way. I think Doom 3 was the first game to show the technique?

12 hours ago


With nanite normal maps are less required than otherwise because the detail is preserved in the mesh. You could make the argument that micro detail normal maps are still useful but those aren't always generated from the mesh. Especially if they are tiling.

9 hours ago


That's actually a fairly ideal fit for nanite meshes.

9 hours ago


I doubt they prioritized it. To get normal maps you usually first need a high resolution mesh, but then need other steps to get good decimation for lods and normal bake. That's mostly extra work, not alternative work that wasn't prioritized. If by transparency they mean faking aggregates, you also need full geo there before sampling and baking down into planes or some other impostor technique.

12 hours ago


This looks rather extremely similar to something that Unreal already natively supports. Here is a demo video from them -

10 hours ago


20 hours ago


It feels like l-systems on mega steroid, cool

14 hours ago


Isn't their logo just the (old) Visual Studio logo?

9 hours ago


I was very confused by “math rules only” - as opposed to what? But it seems they don’t think an LLM is maths. Which it absolutely is.

14 hours ago


While mathematics are necessary to build LLMs, they are not a kind of math or a distinct branch of mathematics.

13 hours ago


Yes I’d agree.

10 hours ago


Is what?

19 hours ago


"Infinigen is a procedural generator of 3D scenes".

17 hours ago


That's not in the title, where it belongs.

Look at all the sibling posts that are done right:

TabBoo – add random jumpscares to websites you're trying to avoid

Stratoshark, a sibling application to Wireshark

Hunyuan3D 2.0 – High-Resolution 3D Assets Generation

Flame: A small language model for spreadsheet formulas

JReleaser: quick and effortless way to release your project

The infantile downvoting of anyone who calls out useless titles just plays into HN's rep. Knock it off.

7 hours ago